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£29.99 per year
  • Full access to the entire game collection, including all future games.
  • Unlimited downloads for all games.
  • Regular emails to inform you of new games and deals.
  • Exclusive previews of new product launches.
  • Exclusive product discounts.
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Printable games &

Check some of the games you will have access to
under your new membership. We're always adding
new games as well!

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Fill The Board
Function Machine Pairs
Match the Vocab
Punctuation Find
Game Examples

Make Learning Fun Again!

All our games are easy to print, setup and play. We offer a wide variety of English and maths games for children aged 6-11 to be played in the classroom or at home.

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Membership pricing

Annual Membership

£29.99 per year
  • Full access to the entire game collection, including all future games.
  • Unlimited downloads for all games.
  • Regular emails to inform you of new games and deals.
  • Exclusive previews of new product launches.
  • Exclusive product discounts.
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