Playful Uno Learning Games

Playful Uno Learning Games

We love Uno! It’s one of our favourite games to play and it’s also a great resource to have for some playful learning. For a while now, people have been asking me to share different ways that you can use Uno cards to support learning and I’ve finally got round to putting it all together for you, along with some FREE printables!

For all of these games we used a standard set of Uno cards – the link here will take you to my Amazon store (affiliate link).

Pyramid Place Value

Place Value is the first topic children are taught when they start their school year as it is integral to understanding number.

For this game, you need:

  • a minimum of 2 players
  • a set of Uno number cards for each player
  • 6 wild cards (add more if you have more players)

Biggest Number

This is another place value game and the addition of the Wild cards helps children to think about what they need to do to make their number bigger or smaller.

For this game you need:

Column Addition

Following on from place value, children then use this knowledge to help them with column addition. This adds a bit of playfulness to just answering questions.

For this game you need:

Higher or Lower

The easiest way to learn times tables is to play with them so that facts are retained more easily. This game is a times table version of ‘Play Your Cards Right’.

For this game you need:

  • One set of Uno number cards
  • One gameshow host
  • 1+ players

Biggest Fraction

We can even use the cards to help children with learning about fractions in a play-based way. This game helps children to compare fractions.

For this game you need:

Adding Fractions

This game just uses Uno number cards to help children show their fractions understanding when adding and subtracting ones with the same denominator.

For this game you need:

I hope you find this useful and you and your children enjoy playing the games. As always, I love hearing if you have used any of my games. Send me an email or message on social media to let me know how it went!

For more printable English and maths games for all topics, click here to take you to my membership sign up and you can get hundreds of printable activities for just £25.00 per year!