As part of our well Book Day Celebrations we made these corner bookmarks. I made them with my year five/six class but then I also came home and then had to go making them with my 5-year-old daughter and she loved making them as well. They’re really simple but really effective and I thought I’d share how to make them:
Start off with a square of any coloured paper, you can make it as big or as small as you want.
Fold it over into a triangle and just encourage children to press the fold line down really well.
Now take the bottom right corner and fold it up to the top corner and repeat with the other corner.
Open it back up again and take the front piece of our top corner, leaving the back bit still up, and fold it down to the bottom.
The last bit is where we’re going to be making the fold to make the little pocket for our bookmark.
Take the bottom right corner and fold it up and then over and tuck it in the inside of the bookmark (this is the trickiest bit).
Press it down and give it a really good fold
Repeat with the bottom left corner and you’ll end up with a little pocket that you can tuck inside the page in your book.
All that’s then left to do is to use different coloured paper and pens to decorate your bookmark and turn it into a character.