This is a big skill to learn in itself and one that is really tricky for children and adults! Many children don’t want to read and improve their writing once they’ve done it as they’re just happy that they’ve done it and want to move on, but it is an important skill to learn. So here’s a simple game to help them practise that skill with someone else’s writing!
🎲 Player one rolls the dice and the number tells them how many words they need to change to improve the story.
🎲 They can pick any words they want and must write the improved word on a post-it note and stick it over the top.
🎲 Once they have done this, they can move their player or counter that many steps.
🎲 Player two now has their turn, doing the same.
🎲 Play continues in this way until one player reaches 10 and wins!
Simple and quick but one that will help to think about how we read through a piece of writing to look for ways to improve it. It will also help to develop their vocabulary too so win win!