Start At 0 Degrees – Use Negative Numbers in Context (Yr6)
Aim of the Game:
This game will help children to use negative numbers in the context of temperature and practise adding and subtracting negative numbers.
What do you need?
You need two dice (one 1-6 and one with + and – labels on each face) – download here
Whiteboard or piece of paper.
I’ve also made this thermometer which was easy to put together. I made the top and bottom of the thermometer and stuck it to the wall (a table would be better but I was trying to photograph it for you)! Then I used a strip of paper which I marked with evenly spaced numbers from 18 to -18. Make sure you fold the top and bottom of the paper so it doesn’t come loose! The children can then move the piece of paper up and down to add or subtract the amount on their dice.
Recording grid – download here
How to Play:
Start at 0 degrees.
Roll the die and move the scale up or down to your new temperature.
Write your new temperature on the game grid
Player two then takes their turn in the same way.
The next roll starts from the previous temperature and each player has 5 rolls.
The winner is the person with the highest temperature at the end.