Noun Cafe

Aim of the Game:

There are different types of nouns and children need to learn the different types which can be dull, boring and difficult to remember! So I’ve come up with noun cafe to try and make it more fun and active!

What do you need?

  • 5 pieces of paper
  • Pens
  • 2 paper plates

How to Play:

🍴 Write some noun orders on pieces of paper (see picture).
🍴 Find some plates and put them on a table.
🍴 Turn the cards face down and ask players to pick a card (this is the order they have to collect).
🍴 Players then have to search the house to find an example of each type of noun on their order and put it on the plate.

🍴 As long as they can justify their choice then they can choose whichever object they like. For example, I chose the whisk for abstract noun because it is sad, the troll for proper noun as her name is Poppy and the pen for common noun.
🍴 I would also suggest having posters of the types of nouns and some examples available to children at first so that they can refer to them to help with the different types of nouns.

🍴 If playing alone, players could try to beat the time it takes them to collect their order and if playing with more than one player, the first person to collect their order wins!

Hope you have fun playing!