Spider Webs

Spider Webs

Practice times tables with this spooky spider game where players win by completing the spider’s web!

Aim of the Game:

  • The aim of the game is to complete the spider’s web by including the correct multiple of your chosen times table in each section.

What Do You Need:

  • A dice
  • 4 lines drawn on a whiteboard or paper for the inside of the web
  • A different coloured pen or pencil for each player

How to Play:

  1. Start by drawing the inside of a web on a piece of paper or using a printed template.
  2. Player one begins the game by rolling the dice.
  3. The number rolled on the dice determines how many web parts player one must fill in.
  4. After filling in the designated number of web parts, player one must also fill in the gap in the web with their times table multiples in order.
  5. Player two takes their turn and continues to fill in the web in the same manner.
  6. The game continues back and forth between players.
  7. The player who successfully finishes filling in the web according to the rules wins the game.