Word Towers

Word Towers

Aim of the Game:

This is a simple game but one that will get children thinking about the meaning of words in the story. It requires a bit of effort to set it up but only took me about 10 minutes.

What you need?

  • A book (nothing too long, a picture book with short story in is quite good for this game
  • 5 ‘Find a word’ questions (similar to the ones I’ve written but that apply to your story or your own ones), this could be written on paper or here I have done it on a mini whiteboard
  • Some Duplo blocks or other building blocks (5 per player).

How to Play:

📖 Give children time to read the story you’ve chosen (or sit and read it together).
📖 Show them the questions so they know which words they have to find.
📖 Explain that they have to find each of the words that you’ve asked for in the book and when they find one, write it down on a piece of paper or whiteboard and then they can take a block to start building their tower.
📖 The first person to complete their tower is the winner or if playing on their own they could time how long it takes to build the tower.